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Communicate What You Do

Sometimes it can be difficult to remember all of the good things we do and achieve at work. It’s very easy to get stuck in the day-to-day grind of to do lists, project deadlines, admin tasks and forget to note all of the great things that you do and achieve. It's a good idea to start some way of recording your accomplishments or achievements so that you yourself remember these when you are sitting in a performance appraisal, asking for a promotion or simply updating your cv.

By doing this you are prepared to remind your manager of all the good things you have done. Yes, your boss should know what you have achieved but they don't necessarily keep a running tab of everything you have achieved throughout the year. That is why some of the most successful people, those who get the promotions, project opportunities, etc, keep track of their own performance, their results, targets exceeded, client feedback, etc. And then they communicate these results. They talk about them at regular meetings and check-ins, at the end of projects, and most definitely at their performance reviews. It’s not bragging, it’s stating facts. If you’re anything like me, you may believe that your work should speak for itself but experience shows that waiting around hoping your good work will be noticed or rewarded could be prevent you from getting the recognition and possibly the promotions you deserve at work. Talk about accomplishments in meetings e.g. when giving project updates lead with what has already gone well and been achieved. Give updates about you and your team have achieved the week before and what next steps are and how you are already working towards achieving those.

Working hard is all well and good, but if all of your work goes unnoticed hard work alone won’t get you anywhere. You need to get comfortable talking about your successes or accomplishments. You need to be your own best supporter. So, make sure you keep track of your success and then communicate them.

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